This post is all about one of my favorite people in the whole world, he is also one of my biggest heros, and one of my biggest fans. My Grandpa has always believed in me, and always encouraged me to keep trying, and to work hard at everything I did.
Growing up I was able to spend a lot of time with my Grandpa. When my older cousins moved away I became my Grandpa's main helper. I helped with everything from hauling hay,moving pipe, irrigating, mechanic work, doctoring cows, to helping him on the computer. And every once in a while we would go to Vernal and get a Whopper from Burger King. And although a lot of times the work was hard and I would go home exhausted, when I look back on all those hours I spent with Grandpa those are very fond memories. I learned so much from him, some are skills like; changing and patching a tire, changing the oil in a car, giving shots to cows, welding, lots of things car engines, and so many more. And alot of the things I learned are characteristics and qualities, some are things he knew he was teaching me like;the importance of hard work, persistence, and having a good attitude. But some are things I learned from just being around him like; honesty, love, patience and generosity, and a little bit of stubborn-ness.
One of the my many memories that I remember fondly is my High School Graduation. For those who don't know my Grandpa he has a very small stubborn streak, and does not really like going to public functions like graduations, weddings,etc. (of which he has been to very few) And I have always known this about my grandpa but I still gave him an invitation and went to his house the day of graduation and invited him personally. I didn't really think he would come but I wanted to invite him. And when I went up to recieve my diploma I looked at my family in the audience and saw my grandpa sitting with them with a smile on his face. I was so excited to see that he had come for me, It instantly brought tears to my eyes. I don't know if he realized how much it meant to me that he came.
My grandpa is an amazing man he can do anything, he can fix anything, he is one of the hardest working, most coruageous, honest, funny , loving people I know, and probably ever will know. There are'nt many genuinly good people in this world but my grandpa is deffinately one of the few. He is my hero, he is my Grandpa.
I love you Grandpa, I miss you and I can't wait to see you and give you a big hug and kiss!
Here are some pics of my Grandpa.
3 months ago