The other day on our way home from church Cole kept calling Jordan Pancho and Jordan was getting so mad. Well I guess I better explain that first. Ok so Cole's grandma Johnson came to visit when Jordan was almost 2 and she kept calling him Pancho, I don't know why but he hated it. And every time he would scream "no" at her and try to kick her. Then Jordan, me and Cole's sister Alex flew out to Utah with grandma Johnson when she went back. Jordan and I sat in the middle between them and Grandma kept tickling him and calling him Pancho, and he kept screaming and swinging his leg over there trying to kick her. Oh I failed to mention that grandma Johnson is hard of hearing so she did not realize how loud he was screaming, but it was loud and we were on the plane and people were giving us dirty looks. So the next flight Alex had to sit between Grandma and Jordan so someone was not hurt. So now we all will call him Pancho and he will yell "no I not Pancho I Jordan". But this time when Cole called him Pancho, he said "no not Pancho I'm Jordan Thomath Johnthon" (he has a little bit of a lisp). So we were trying to get him to say our full names "so I said Jordan can you say Gregory Cole Johnson" (p.s. Cole loves it when you call him Gregory, lol not really but I think its funny) Anyways Jordan kinda Stumbled with Gregory and I think he kind of forgot what he was supposed to say so he started filling in the blanks he said "Gggrrregoryyy .....Sssspongebob....daddy Cole daddy Johnthon". We were Laughing so hard. He is a funny kid
3 months ago
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